Monday, 29 April 2013 23:18
Dakar 2013 was the first experience for G-Force Motorsport to participate in such a great marathon, and it brought much more to the team than the precious practice or new skills. We met many new good friends there, among them Michel Boucou team that provides assistance for cross country rally competitors. The highest level of responsibility and qualification are the words that describe the Team Boucou work, G-Force Motorsport became assured of that after using their assistance during Dakar 2013.
Monday, 29 April 2013 01:49

The forthcoming event will have the status and value higher than any previous Ukrainian cross country competition ever had. The Auto-Life company under the aegis of FAU organizes the first international race within the frames of Ukrainian and Russian Championships.
Friday, 26 April 2013 17:04

The hearings in the Court of Appeal on the matter of non-allowance for G-Force Motorsport team to start for the first stage of the Cross Country World Cup took place in Italy. According to the Court’s rules, the decision will be announced in 7 or 10 days after the hearings.
G-Force Motorsport will sure give the details. Follow the news!
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 15:48
Photos from “Gold of Kagan 2013” rally-raid (Astrakhan, April 17-20), the 2nd stage of the cross country Championship and Cup of Russia, are published in the team’s photogallery.
Monday, 22 April 2013 22:34
The Clerk of the Course decided not to allow the crew of Vladimir Vasilyev and Vitaly Yevtyekhov to start for the third stage of the World Cup. The team’s protest was rejected, that means G-Force Motorsport does not participate in the SEALINE CROSS COUNTRY RALLY 2013. The team comes back home waiting for the Court of Appeal hearings that will take place on April 24th.
Sunday, 21 April 2013 10:48
Vladimir Vasilyev and Vitaly Yevtyekhov left to Qatar to participate in the third stage of the Cross Country World Cup with G-Force Proto that was sent to Qatar in March, before the Italian Baja started.
Saturday, 20 April 2013 21:30
The second stage of the Cross Country Championship of Russia has finished today in Astrakhan. G-Force Motorsport team supported during this season by the premium motor oil brand G-Energy finished not only in full strength but also a step away from the podium.
Friday, 19 April 2013 23:40
The third day of the race has finished. G-Force Motorsport crews distinctly improved their positions: Vladimir Vasilyev finished second and Victor Volikov came third, so in overall they are 8th and 7th respectively. Sergey Fomin became 11th at finish line and 10th after the three days. Sergey Kiselev is 7th in T4 (trucks).
Thursday, 18 April 2013 18:17
Day two of the Astrakhan race went wrong for Vladimir Vasilyev. The front right pair of dampers crash forced the crew to stop for the repair, so at finish they were 53 minutes behind the leader (line 20 after two days). Victor Volikov is 14th after two days. Sergey Fomin is still settling down to the car new for him – line 22.