Dakar 2013. Finish! Mission accomplished!
Sunday, 20 January 2013 06:00
Every Dakar race is not only an adventure. You live the whole separate life during the marathon, completely an alien and an unforgettable life. Some time later, you forget all the troubles and difficulties and only good memories stay with you. Sometimes you can face such a hard trouble here you never forget. But in return you never lose the brightness of remembrances as well, they stay sharp forever. And the Dakar never quits hold of you once you got in it. You will be training, preparing yourself and wait for the chance to return to Dakar.
Off the annoying traditions! For six years Cyril Despres and Mark Coma had been taking Dakar victories in turns, the even years for Despres and the odd years for Coma. This year Coma missed his turn due to the injury. But the title of Dakar winner never stays nobody’s. So Cyril Despres took his fifth title and only one left to the Peterhansel’s record of 6 Dakar victories. But Despres has his own great achievement: for his 13 Dakar starts he finished for 13 times and every time he was on the podium!
Despres team mate Ruben Faria got the silver prize and the Chilean “Chaleco” Lopez got the bronze one.
While Alejandro Patronelli was absent at Dakar, his brother Marcos was competing in his own league. He started leading yet on the Stage 2, blasted through the whole marathon and left the Chilean Ignacio Casale 1 h 50 min behind and Rafal Sonic (Poland) 3 h 16 min behind! So only Patronelli could be better than Patronelli. The brothers, each of them has two Dakar victories for the moment, will start their duel next year.
Stephan Peterhansel beat his own record, he took the 11th Dakar victory which was the 6th for him in cars! After Al-Attiyah’s withdrawal he had no critical rivals (thanks to Robby Gordon’s usual mistakes). Giniel De Villiers became the second and Leonid Novitskiy together with Konstantin Zhiltsov got the bronze! Congratulations!
As for G-Force Motorsport team, the exceptional adventures were waiting for them on the final Dakar stage.
The special consisted of two parts with a neutralization zone between them. Boris Gadasin was the first to start and successfully passed through the first part. But in Vladimir Vasilyev’s car the gearbox jammed shortly before the end of special part one. The time was passing by, the French assistance truck was still on his way and could reach the car not earlier than in an hour… But that moment like in a fairy tale the kind-hearted wizard came! An orange Mitsubishi stopped there, that was the crew of Vadim Nesterchuk and Vladimir Demyanenko. The Ukrainians towed Vasilyev’s car to the neutralization zone and further to the second part start.
The next to pick up the valuable cargo was Boris Gadasin. He started for the second part of the special in his minute to avoid penalty and soon stopped awaiting for the team mate. Boris took Vasilyev’s Proto, and the kindest wizards Nesterchuk and Demyanenko rushed at their normal pace to the finish line. Lots of thanks to them from the team again! And that was the moment when adventures of the two our crews started!
Gadasin tried to start several times but stopped the attempt when he saw yet another truck in his rear mirror. He didn’t want to stop KAMAZ on their way to podium so he let them pass by and then had to wait for the dust to settle, and that moment the next truck appeared...
Finally they managed to start. Vladimir Vasilyev told later he had never done such an extreme driving: he saw nothing trough the dust. Not always he was sure the team mate still continued to tow his car. Several times Vladimir gave kicks to a tree or a rock.
Vladimir Vasilyev: "One moment Borya (Boris) disappeared, I didn’t know where to. I kept gazing, suddenly something flashed to the right. I turned the wheel right – well, it went easier!”
The main Boris’ challenge was to ascent up the long slope with fesh-fesh. His own car was stucking every time he tried to take the second car up. The spectators willing to help the crews did not notice the rope between the cars because of the dust, they tried to ward off Vasilyev who, they may thought, did not let Gadasin accelerate his car.
Boris Gadasin: "The ascent was the main difficulty. The track to run away was with trees and I thought: if Volodia (Vladimir) thrust in a tree, we’ll anchor here thoroughly and for long…”
Nevertheless, our crews full of experience and dust and feeling like a squeezed orange finished! Vladimir Vasilyev and Vitaliy Yevtiekhov took the 16th line and Boris Gadasin and Alexey Kuzmich became the 21st. The team mission is accomplished: two crews reached the finish line. The team conquered its first Dakar!
In trucks category KAMAZ-Master proved again their invincibility… We must say more accurate: triple invincibility. All three steps of the podium belong to Russian trucks! Eduard Nikolaev, Ayrat Mardeev, Andrey Karginov are the names of Dakar 2013 winners!
Photo: www.dakar.com, KAMAZ-Master, Mikhail Lastochkin and G-Force Motorsport