G-Force Motorsport

Hungarian Baja 2009. Preview.

Thursday, 13 August 2009 14:12

logoThe 4th round of the FIA International Cup for Cross-Country Bajas - "Sweet-Milk Hungarian Baja 2009" - will be held at the end of next week, on August 20th-23rd.

Unfortunately, the list of participants is not as imposing as it was on the previous round in Spain, mostly due to the fact that many crews, specially strong factory ones, are currently busy with preparations to another competition which seems to be of much importance for them. From one side it deprives spectators of possibility to witness the skill of some renowned drivers, but it doesn't mean the action in Hungary will be somehow less fascinating.

All the regular participants of the International Cup will come to Hungary to fight for points which become so important close to the end of the season. Those are the dutch Tonnie van Deijne, the czech Miroslav Zapletal, the pole Krzysztof Holowczyc. They will be main rivals of the G-Force Motorsport crew of Boris Gadasin and Vladimir Demyanenko in the fight for victory. We also shouldn't underestimate our strong compatriots such as Alexander Mironenko co-driven by Sergey Lebedev, and Yaroslav Solovjev in pair with "can-do-everything" Konstantin Zhilt'sov (who has recently won the Khazar Steppes rally-raid in Group T2 as a driver).  Local drivers (Balazs Szalay, Laszlo Palik, Karoly Fazekas and others) are not eager to give in without fight either.

The race will start on Friday evening, August 21st, with the ceremonial start followed by 48 kilometres long SS1. But the main affair is to take place on Saturday, when crews will have to tackle two stages (one of 56 kilometres and another familiar from the previous day) 4 times. The total distance will be 520 kilometres with almost 90% of them being competitive ones. It underlines one of the event route's main features - short liasons.

Making forecasts in motorsport isn't a good deal, however we'd like to notice that under certain conditions the Hungarian Baja can see 2 russian crews wrapping up the title with one round still to go. Firstly we're talking about Boris Gadasin and Vladimir Demyanenko who have a 10-points advantage over Zapletal. In the standard T2 category it's Artem Verentsov and Roman Elagin who have best chances of securing the crown. We wish all the competitors good luck, and let the strongest win!

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